The major in Judaic Studies may be completed in a variety of ways. While there are several core courses that develop foundational knowledge in key areas, the flexible curriculum gives you the freedom to emphasize the area of study within the field you find most compelling.
Student Thesis
Judaic studies degree write an independent thesis during the last semester in consultation with a faculty member. A research proposal is due during the first two weeks of the fall semester.
Examples of recent Independent Studies are: Maimonides’ Medical Ethics, Jews of India, Hebrew Language, etc.
1. The Meaning of Life
2. The Meaning of History
3. Morality
4. The Essence of the Soul
5. The Commandments
6. The Written Torah and the Oral Torah
7. The Land of Israel
8. Israel and the Nations
9. Man and Society
What is the target audience?
People who wants to know the real world facts if creation, the creator and his creatures. Learning the real concepts about the free will, salvation and redemption of the soul, Mashiach (messiah) and the world to come.