Welcome to AJC

Our mission is to bring Israel closer to you through culture, tradition, studies, webinars, celebrating biblical festivals, etc. This vision made us fully understand that there is a need for this interaction. With your help, the World Jewish Confederation will be able to join the dots to make these projects very successful.

In building the Tabernacle, all the people of Israel were united in their hearts; No one felt superior to their partner. In the beginning, each skilled individual did his own part of the building, and it seemed to each one that his own work was extraordinary.

And all who excelled in skill and all whose spirit moved him came, bringing to the Lord his offering for the tent of meeting, for all his service and for the holy garments. Exodus 35: 4-11, 21

Unordered & Ordered Lists

Online Courses with full discount systems.

Online Certificates which can be used worldwide.

An online leadership development program at Masterstudy LMS.


Professional Certificate Courses (Online)

  • Online certificates can be obtained in a range of specialized areas.
  • Online diplomas are awarded for one to two years of study with LMS.
  • Online associate degrees usually take approximately two years then.
  • Online preparatory year programs are an opportunity for students.
  • Online Summer courses are a great way to gain qualifications.


Google Certified
Microsoft Certified
Apple Certified